2023 Word of the Year

Even before I knew it was a thing to do, I unofficially chose a word as my focus for many years. A word seemed to stick better than an empty resolution that faded as quickly as it was announced. Several years ago, I made the move to officially contemplate and name the word. A few weeks ago, I researched my memories, journals and calendars and noted as many of the past words as I could just so I could keep an ongoing a record. It was surprising to see how memories of certain events helped me to remember the word for certain years. One November, I bought a plate with the inscription, “until further notice, celebrate everything” which became my mantra for the following year. Two years (the year I lost my joy and the year I was struggling to keep my joy) my word became joy. The year I married my sweetheart, love seemed the obvious choice. 

Some years, I thought I knew why I was choosing a word but the true meaning became apparent as the year progressed. In late 2019, for example, I would have no idea how much change, uncertainty, and worldwide trauma would require me to embrace long hours of finding new ways to be a community of faith, mask wearing, Zoom meetings, etc. in 2020.

I guess it was no surprise after I lost three people very dear to me in 2021, that I would choose connection as my word for 2022. Even so, I had no idea that Michael would resign from his position in Carrollton a few weeks later and we would end up moving back to the Alabama Gulf Coast near so many friends and two of the three sons we have between us. As I reflected on the past year and pondered what word was calling for 2023, I realized that for some reason I have felt disjointed this past year. Yes, we moved “home” and yes, Michael is serving as interim to a delightfully sweet congregation and yes, it was a good year but… there were things I hoped to complete last year that are still hanging over my head. I’m not certain if connection was the “right” word for last year…or maybe it was was got me through a year full of changes and unknowns…or maybe (I am certain this is true) words of the year are not meant to be magic wands that make a person whole but rather a guide through the messiness of life, a mantra to help us focus.

Our sweet kitty Stella on the day she rescued us. Now that is a connection!
March 2022

With that in mind, I have chosen a word for 2023. I struggled with finding a word this year and I kept a growing list of possibilities. Centered? Intentional?  Aware? Creativity? Stillness? Balance? Unforced? I finally erased all but unforced and settled on it, or so I thought. The word comes from The Message Translation of Matthew 11: 28-30 Are you tired? Worn out?…Learn the unforced rhythms of grace…Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. The word unforced really speaks to me, yet last night as we awaited the coming of the New Year I realized that the word unforced seemed somehow forced. I fell asleep not knowing what my word should be. When I awoke this morning I still could not settle on a word but I remembered that each time I envisioned the word unforced I would see myself floating. And it came to me!

I Googled the word flow. Flow focuses your attention on what is important and positive. Flow means to move along slowly and steadily in one direction, a smooth uninterrupted movement or progress. Flow is also a state where a person is so fully immersed in an activity that all else disappears and you experience an intense engagement, focus, and contentment in the present moment and current activity. I want to be more centered and balanced. I have a longing to be more creative, to write, paint, and cook more. I need to focus on closing out my dad’s estate. All of the words I had played with as having potential to be my word (but weren’t enough to encapsulate the fullness) seem to fit perfectly into flow. Now, I fully understand that focusing on the word flow will not get me there but I do believe it is a good beginning. 

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